Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease Specialist
Southland Renal Medical Group > Our Services > Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease

Southland Renal Medical Group
Nephrologists located in the Greater Long Beach and Orange County, CA Area
Adult polycystic kidney disease is the most common genetically transmitted disease, and it’s responsible for 5-10% of all cases of kidney failure. When you face a complex condition like adult polycystic kidney disease, you can depend on the expertise of the doctors at Southland Renal Medical Group, with kidney treatment centers in Long Beach, Downey, Fountain Valley, and Los Alamitos, California. As specialists in kidney disease, they develop treatment plans that can help you delay the progressive damage to your kidneys. Call Southland Renal Medical Group or use online booking to schedule an appointment today.
Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease Q & A
What is adult polycystic kidney disease?
Adult polycystic kidney disease, or autosomal dominant polycystic disease (ADPKD), is an inherited disorder that primarily affects your kidneys but may appear in other organs. When you have polycystic kidney disease (PKD), clusters of fluid-filled sacs, or cysts, develop in your kidneys.
ADPKD is progressive, but the rate at which your cysts grow and the number of new cysts that develop varies for each patient, depending on their specific genetic mutation. For many, the cysts eventually get large enough to cause kidney failure.
Adults can also develop another type of polycystic kidney disease that’s not genetic. Called acquired polycystic kidney disease, this condition causes the same problems and symptoms as ADPKD, but it develops in patients who have been on dialysis for several years.
What symptoms develop due to adult polycystic kidney disease?
Some patients born with ADPKD never develop symptoms or kidney damage. Even when cysts start to grow, symptoms don’t appear until the ages of 30-50. The cysts affect the structures in your kidneys that help filter waste and excess water out of your blood. As the cysts enlarge, your symptoms may include:
- Back or side pain
- Enlarged abdomen
- Blood in your urine (hematuria)
- Frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs)
The most common sign of polycystic kidney disease is high blood pressure (hypertension). Unfortunately, high blood pressure seldom causes symptoms. ADPKD also increases your risk of developing an acute kidney infection, urinary stones, valvular heart disorders, a cerebral aneurysm, and cysts in your pancreas and kidney.
How is adult polycystic disease diagnosed and treated?
ADPKD is usually diagnosed using ultrasound imaging. If ultrasound is inconclusive, then your doctor may order an MRI or CT scan. Your treatment focuses on controlling high blood pressure, which is essential for slowing the progression of ADPKD. Your doctor also prescribes treatment to relieve pain, recurring urinary tract infections, and other symptoms.
The progression of ADPKD can’t be stopped, so eventually, patients develop renal failure and dialysis or kidney transplantation is required.
When you’re diagnosed with a progressive condition like adult polycystic kidney disease, you need the help of the compassionate experts at Southland Renal Medical Group. Schedule an appointment online or by phone today.